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SOPES: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories

Back to Life

SOPES brings the written fragments of people's lives - their autograph books, photo albums, letters, postcards, diaries, and other ephemera - back to life to discover what traces are left behind of people's relationships, connections and experiences.

SOPES, headed by Professor Elaine Treharne, is dedicated to cataloging, digitizing, describing, curating and presenting the archives of those who've come before. These otherwise forgotten stories - in every single case - will inspire, move, and inform. 

Researchers: Mark York, Isabel Fryett, Carolyn Stein, Ella Ball, Emily Wilson, Karunya Bhramasandra

Documents and correspondences related to Valerie Layton Creed.

Noteable postcards preserved over the generations.

Documents and correspondences related to the wealthy Harenc-Sproule family.