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Letter from S.H. Harenc to Mrs. H.H. Sproule (06-07-1932)

Harenc, Sproule, Letter, H.H., S.H., Illness, Travels

About The Letter - 

In this letter,S.H. Harenc writes to Mrs. H.H. Sproule. Sproule had offered a place to stay to Harenc, but is turned down. Harenc requests that Sproule and colleagues visit them. 

See the transcript here...

Front of Envelope:





W. 8


Mrs H H Sproule


West Malvern



Letter Contents:

12 Strathmore Gardens


Tuesday June 14th

My dearest Evelyn

This is to thank you for your cheery letter which we were glad to get, and also to say thank you for so friendly asking me to stay with you on Friday but if i go to Ledbury before Roger arrives I have promised to take Gladys with me to open the house. This is private so do not mention it to anyone

When we hear from Imen, if she is going abroad with her mother before Roger arrives. Freddie & I thought it would be a great pleasure to both you and him if you came up to us on the 25th and met him at the Station & we would receive him on the doorsteps here. It would be like older times. I should have thought Mrs. Martei ought to have had her daughter with her if she is going to etort herself by going to the drawing room & stun start for abroad directly after it, but perhaps she with put off her

journey for a bit, I also may do the same about going to Ledbury as Freddie does not seem very well, she has had a heavy cold and that always pulls one down I can help for a bit when I am here although she will not let me do as much as I should like to. She stayed in one day but I rather think she is going out now, but please do not say anything about this. It is a lovely day a quite warm so I hope it will make Col Sproule feel better, we were sorry to hear that he felt nackered up after that very

Pleasant lunch and nice afternoon he gave us at Hurlingham it was a charming entertainment. We had a nice little letter from Sara I hope she is enjoying her rides etc Much love from us Both. set us hear if anything is settled about Imen going abroad before the 26th. We have asked her here on that date. Much love from us Both 

Ever thin[.]

E. S. H. Harenc

Those cheap tickets were only for people not living in London rather a do

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