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Valerie Layton

Letter From Edith Deschamps (12-19-1937)

English and French
Edith, Deschamps, Valerie, Layton, 1937, Letter, Travel, French

About The Letter - 

In this letter, Edith Deschamps writes again to Valerie. They had not interacted with each other for a while, though Valerie has recently sent Edith a Christmas card. These are uncertain times, making travel difficult and increasing tensions. Valerie, for fun, rides horses and plays tennis. 

See the transcript here...

Edith Deschamps Letter 12-19-1937 - Transcript

Contents Inside Envelope:

La Sablièré - arenne thermale 


Déc 19-37 Puy de Dome

Dear Mrs. Layton,

Many months have passed since I heard from you, and I was wondering whether you had been ill or away when I received your pretty Xmas [card]. Thank you very much and also for your good wishes. Accept my best ones, please, for a happy New Year. What have you been doing since I heard from you? You were planning, then, to go to Stockholm. Please tell me about your trip. Stock[h]olm is, I imagine, more or less like Venice because of its many canals, but it must look cleaner, I suppose. I shall always remember our arrival at Venice, one rainy night: the water was covered with cabbages, orange sardines tins and the smell was not an [page 2] agre[e]able one: on the following morning, it was a sunny, glorious day and everything looked different because of the soft, golden light; but the little canals were dirty all the same. I imagine tha[t] northern cities are cleaner. The summer was extremely hot here; I didn’t feel very well and had troubles with my eyes, and had to wear glasses, which I had never done before. So I didn’t go to the Paris Exposition; some people said it was splendid, some others said the French pavilions were not ready according to labour Troubles and far inferior to the foreign ones. Perhaps everything will reopen next year, perhaps not. We live in a very uncertain time as everybody is dissatisfied, taxes very high and the price of living always going up. 

I may go to Paris next spring, and, if I can manage it, go to London for a week-end. I should like to meet you then, even for a few hours. [Page 3 II] Have you been to the cinemas lately? There are very good films [....]ring now Les Perles de la Couronne, surtant, par Sacha Guitry--joue par l’auteur, sa femme la ravissante Jacqueline Delubac, et toute une troupe d’excellents acteurs. Si vous pourrez, allez le voir. L’est une perfection cela commence vers 1525 et se termine de nos jours avec un luxe inoue de costumes et de details exactement [..] constitués Jacqueline Delubac est une des plus jolies femmes de Paris ; elle joue le isle de Marie Stuart- son mari, Sacha Guitry, l’adore (pour le moment!) C’est sa 3e femme! Il y a 3 partiés far[...]s, l’une en Français; l’autre en anglais, la Troisième en italien. S’il vient à Londres, allez - y. c’est très beau.

Continuez- vous à monte à cheval et à jouer au Tennis? J’a[.....] beaucoup ce dernier sport. J’a[.....] aussi la gre[.], mais les [....] sont très loin de dermour et il faut [.]reushe une auto pour y aller, ce qui [......] très cher. 

Donnez-moi de vos nouvelles. Ecrivez moi quelques lignes en français 

Bonne année et meilleurs voeux

[......] Deschamps


The Pearls of the Crown, especially, by Sacha Guitry - performed by the author, his lovely wife Jacqueline Delubac, and a whole cast of excellent actors. If you can, go see it. It is a perfection that begins around 1525 and ends today with an incredible luxury of costumes and details exactly [..] made up Jacqueline Delubac is one of the prettiest women in Paris; she plays the isle of Marie Stuart- her husband, Sacha Guitry, adores her (for the moment!) It's his 3rd wife! There are 3 far [...] s parties, one in French; the other in English, the Third in Italian. If it’ scoming to London, go. it is very beautiful.

Do you continue to ride horses and play tennis? I have [.....] this last sport a lot. I have [.....] also the gre [.], But the [....] are very far from dermour and it is necessary [.] To receive a car to go there, which [.... ..] very expensive.

Tell me your news. Write me a few lines in French

Happy New Year and best wishes

[......] Deschamps

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